Assessment Tool

About the Assessment Tool

The assessment tool is designed to equip educators to identify best support strategies for their learners, to recognise competences, address challenges and acknowledge how those factors can improve or diminish chances of positive transition into adulthood and employment. The dual use of the Assessment tool allows the learner to co-pilot their transition where possible and safe. It enables educators to identify the best coaching and mentoring paths for the young person. In other words, this screening method serves educators in gaining more insight on their learners and supporting them in tailoring the best strategy for a learner to transition from education to employment based on the gathered data.
It was designed to help educators in assessing young people with learning difficulties and disabilities or other problems in their transition to adulthood. The tool may be used as a self-assessment tool directly by the person, in a form of an interview between the person and the educator or may be filled only by the educator based on previously gathered data. The assessment tool consists of four sets of questions and statements. In the first set, there are 5 questions (4 about demographic data, 1 about the user), followed by three sets with questions and statements about employability skills (17 questions), life skills and situations (17 questions), and interpersonal skills (15 questions). In total, the tool contains 54 questions and statements that are evaluated on a three-point scale (NO - WITH SUPPORT - YES) and a five-point Likert scale (1 – lowest rating, 5 – highest rating) depending on the questions or statements. Alternatively, some questions are formatted as multiple-choice questions. In addition, the tool contains two open-ended questions. Note that the answer “WITH SUPPORT” (on the three-point scale) means that a person may improve towards “YES” if subjected to the right guidance and proper support by their mentor. The given answers generate three schematic profiles (employability skills, life skills and situations, interpersonal skills) that serve as a visual aid and provide a clear picture of a person’s competences and challenges. In this assessment tool, Likert scale responses are the results of single questions and cannot be summed and averaged in a single underlying construct or result.
This assessment tool is not a validated and standardized test, and it should be only used as a screening method to help professionals and other parties who work with persons with disabilities / learning difficulties. (Please, refer to the disclaimer at the end of the document). The assessment tool may help educators and their students to identify and develop their existing skills that they can rely on. It enables young people to manage their individual pathways in education and employment, using the skills and abilities they have and minimising the impact of their disabilities.

User question

I am using this tool as a

Demographic questions


Education level


Employability skills

1. Learning ability

Are you able to learn a new set of behaviours in order to complete a task successfully?

2. Reading instructions

Can you complete a simple assignment described in a few sentences? (i.e. recipe, workflow description)

3. Basic maths

Can you make basic calculations (e.g. determining of amounts, sizes or other measurements, being able to carry out basic arithmetic)?

4. Writing - notes, message

Can you use writing form for communication? (e.g. write messages to others, take notes and use them as instructions or as a reminder)?

5. Basic IT / computer skills

Can you use basic computer applications (i.e. process texts, presentations, spreadsheets, internet browser…)?

6. Use of mobile devices

Can you use mobile phone and/or tablet applications?

7. Follow rules / instructions

Can you follow a set of rules / instructions?

8. Time management

Do you have the ability to manage your time effectively, such as using calendars, reminders, or planning tools?

9. Understand value of property

Can you understand the difference between your own and others' property?

10. Financial literacy

Are you able to manage financial transactions on behalf of an employer?

11. Reliability

Are you trustworthy and consistent in both your work and willingness to work?

12. Autonomy while working, executing a task

Can you work alone on a task, if asked?

13. Motivation to work / find a job

Are you motivated to work?

14. Motivation at work

Can you keep your motivation whilst working even if the tasks are repetitive?

15. Flexibility and reaction to situations / problem solving

Can you identify and define the problem, generate multiple solutions, choose the most appropriate one and then evaluate the outcome?

16. Teamwork - work in pairs

Can you work in pairs with a co-worker on an assignment?

17. Teamwork - work in groups / teams

Can you work in groups / teams with co-workers on an assignment?

18. Any other considerations related to employability...

Open question

Life skills and situations

1. Hygiene

Being able to take care of all elements of personal hygiene (using the toilet, showering, change clothes) daily.

2. Manage personal budget / money

Can you manage your personal budget (i.e. paying the bills, understand the value of money, know the average prices of basic products)?

3. Cooking / preparing basic meal

Can you prepare basic meals (including a hot meal) and follow a weekly menu?

4. Laundry

Are you able to do your own laundry (washing, drying, storing) and take care of your clothes?

5. Cleaning / housekeeping

Can you keep your room / house tidy (i.e. clothes in the wardrobe, bed done, books on the shelf)?

6. Using public transport

Can you navigate public transport, understand timetables and route maps?

7. Dressing appropriately

Can you dress appropriately according to the situation, for example winter clothes for winter, uniforms for work and lighter clothes in the summer, or depending on what is expected from the social situation?

8. Emergency preparedness (what to do in an emergency)

Are you able to contact the emergency services if needed, and can you follow an evacuation procedure?

9. Road safety - crossing, orientation in familiar urban environment

Are you able to get around in a familiar urban environment and obey the road safety rules (i.e. get from home to work and back, go to the coffee shop or elsewhere)?

10. Road safety - crossing, orientation in new or different areas

Can you adjust your navigation strategies to different or new environments (such as busy intersections, uneven terrain, poorly lit areas, places you have never been before)?

11. Healthcare - visit doctor, take medication

Do you visit the doctor for routine checks and seek professional help when needed (i.e. when feeling ill or having symptoms of a condition)?

12. Driving

Do you drive regularly?

13. Dealing with public authorities

Can you manage your emotions and remain calm even in stressful situations when dealing with public authorities?

14. Shopping / spending planning

Can you create and follow a shopping list, do the shopping, and plan your spending within a set budget?

15. Time management - free time

Can you go to a scheduled leisure activity on time (i.e. dancing class, training, music class)?

16. Manage a day schedule / routine

Can you follow or create a structured daily plan and adhere to the planned timeline whilst being able to differentiate between working, leisure and sleeping time?

17. Other life skills and interests (i.e. hobbies, particular interests).

Open question

Interpersonal skills

Rate interpersonal skills on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 representing the lowest value / rating or magnitude and 5 representing the highest value / rating or magnitude of occurrence.
1. Exploring new things / curiosity

Do you try new activities if interested?

2. Being respectful and polite

Are you polite to others (e.g. hold doors open, speak nicely to people, acknowledge the good qualities in others and treat them with respect)?

3. Cooperation in a team

Are you a team player (i.e. being able to adapt to working with colleagues when needed and sharing the workspace with other people)?

4. Effective communication - ability to get a message across

Can you exchange information / thoughts / knowledge effectively with others?

5. Creative thinking and doing

Are you able to use creativity and creative thinking in everyday life or at work (i.e. use creativity in problem solving)?

6. Knowledge of official language

Do you have a good grasp of the official language (communicate clearly and concisely in your country's language)?

7. Emotional self-regulation

Can you regulate your emotions and emotional states adequately?

8. Resilience vs Fragility (self-esteem)

How would you rate your self-esteem?

9. Confidence in achieving goals

How confident are you in your abilities to complete tasks and achieve your goals?

10. Ability to follow social cues

How strong are your social skills?

11. Create and maintain healthy relationships (emotional intelligence, empathy, sympathy)

Can you build and maintain healthy relationships with others?

12. Social norms (i.e. meeting new people, congratulating on achievements)

Can you understand social norms and perform expected behaviours in different situations?

13. Taking constructive criticism / feedback

Can you adapt your behaviour after constructive criticism?

14. Overall positivity and any other positive skills.

Open question

15. Do you speak any other languages / sign language, and if you do, which one?

Open question

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